Millised aspektid saavad PV -d asendada PVC -ga? 1. Värvi erinevus: PP materjali ei saa muuta läbipaistvaks ja tavaliselt kasutatavad värvid on põhivärv (PP materjali loomulik värv), beež hall, portselanvalge jne. PVC on rikkaliku värviga, üldiselt tumehall, helehall, beige, ivory, transparent, etc. 2. Weight difference: PP board is less dense than PVC board, and PVC has a higher density, so PVC is heavier. 3. Acid and alkali resistance: The acid and alkali resistance of PVC is better than that of PP board, but the texture is brittle and hard, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, can withstand climate change for a long time, is not flammable, and has light toxicity.